These lenses are presented by Bausch & Lomb. These lenses are best preferred for dry eyes and for people whose screen time is high. Bausch & Lomb has been the world-class in visionary innovations in eye care since 1853. They are supporting people to see better and live better. They are designing various kinds of contact lenses to satisfy the different needs of people.
Wearing contact lenses can be a release event for people who have only known glasses. Our daily life we may use a smartphone, laptop, TV, or tablet. This high screen time is the root cause of irritable and dry eyes.
Bausch & Lomb ULTRA contact lenses come with the brand-new MoistureSeal technology that maintains 95% of moisture for long hours, giving your eyes upto 16-hour relief and gentleness, in a thin, silicone package. Blue visibility tint and optimum oxygen breathability are the most crucial features of Ultra contact lenses.
Different ranges of Ultra contact lenses are presented to converge the needs of customers following contact lenses including spherical, astigmatism, presbyopia and multifocal toric. Ultra contact lenses are one of the top notch monthly contact lenses. Ultra one day is also designed by Bausch & Lomb.
Here some of the finest contact lenses:
Bausch + Lomb ULTRA
These contacts are presented with Hydrogel material that furnishes you maximum realisable daily comfort and keeps up a maximum level of moisture for a long period of time. B+L Ultra contact lenses are popular for their moisture control and long-lasting relief. The pack size of Bausch and Lomb ULTRA contacts contains 6 lenses that are required for 6 months supply for an eye. Each lens can be worn up to a month in organised intervals. For best results, they can be removed, cleaned, stored, and can be worn again the very next day.
Bausch+Lomb ULTRA for Presbyopia
Presbyopia is the common loss of your eyes' ability to centre your focus on nearby objects. Mostly, Presbyopia occurs naturally with an increase in age.Presbyopia typically becomes noticeable in our early to mid-40s and pursues to worsen up to 65 years. For an extraordinary vision up close, far away, and in between, Bausch + Lomb was presented specially with a 3-zone progressive design. MoistureSeal technology applied to retain the moisture at 95% up to16 hours. These contact lenses for presbyopia can be utilised at various schedules for daily wear or extended wear up to one month or for up to 7 days between removals for cleaning and chucking of the lens. The pack size of Bausch and Lomb ULTRA for Presbyopia contacts holds 6 lenses that are adequate for 6 months requirement for an eye.
1) What happens if I put my contacts in water?
A) Dispose of this lens and wear a fresh pair.
2)Are contact lens solutions and eye drops the same?
A)No, contact lens solution is not meant for use in your eyes as drops. They contain disinfectant to clean the lenses effectively.
3)Are Ultra contact lenses monthly or weekly?
A) Yes, Ultra contacts are monthly disposable soft contact lenses that provide extraordinary vision with all-day comfort.